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A Merry Musical Christmas

It was A Merry Musical Christmas at JurongHealth Campus last year!

To bring the holiday cheer and joy to our patients, visitors and staff, our colleagues from Community Relations collaborated with the Anglo-Chinese Junior College Choir, Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay Community Engagement Programme and Raffles Singers with a line-up of exhilarating falalala musical experience around the wards and hospitals from 30 November to 15 December.


Special thanks to the students of Anglo-Chinese Junior College, artiste Dansen John (part of The Esplanade's ‘When Music Meets Life’ series), and Raffles Singers. Their wonderful performances of festive songs and music not only serenaded everyone but also enlivened the atmosphere.


Bringing the festivities to the wards, our dedicated Art-on-the-Move volunteers teamed up with student volunteers from Hwa Chong Institution’s Project Estrella. Together, they orchestrated a Christmas-themed art jamming session, bringing a jolly mood directly to the bedside of our patients. Our patients painted cheery canvases of snowman, reindeer, and Santa Claus, and decorated them with splashes of colours and sparkling ornaments.


We hope this initiative to bring Art- & Music-on-the-Move to our patients brought a joyous ambiance to our healthcare spaces. This annual initiative by the Community Relations team is not just about the festivities; it's about uplifting spirits and fostering a sense of joy within our campus grounds. We hope to make a positive impact on our patients, offering comfort and encouragement during this special season.


Check out more pictures below:

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