Empowering Change,
Inspiring Results:
OneNUHS Pulse Survey 2023

Thank you JHC, for your collective efforts in improving our workplace and culture!
This marks the fourth year of our OneNUHS Pulse Survey, concluded in October last year. This survey is a short health check on the progress of our OneNUHS Employee Engagement Survey (EES) action plans, and to monitor the level of sustainable engagement within NUHS. It is part of our continuous effort to improve and understand what is working well and what can be done better.
The 4-week survey, conducted from 25 Sep to 20 Oct 2023, focused on two key areas - Sustainable Engagement and the perception of a "Safe to Speak Up" environment.
The Sustainable Engagement (SE) Index measures how connected, resourced and motivated each employee in their workplace. Comprising of three key focus areas – Engaged, Enabled and Energised, it allows the organisation to measure how well they are doing for their employees. The combination of 10 opinion-based questions and one open ended question provides employees a platform to voice and provide their honest feedback.

The Pulse Survey Results, with a participation rate of 81% unveiled a collective effort to enhance workplace dynamics and culture. This improvement in SE index was made in comparison to EES 2022.

​The JHC Sustainable Engagement (SE) Index showed a substantial 5-point (+5%) increase compared to EES2022. This is a positive affirmation that our employee engagement and well-being efforts are on the right track.
Departmental Breakdown:
Across all job families, the Ancillary (88%) and Nursing (86%) departments emerged as leaders in sustainable engagement, boasting the highest SEI scores. Notably, all job families demonstrated improvements, with the exception of Administration, which experienced a slight dip.

Our Strengths and Opportunities: Components of Sustainable Engagement
Strengths that we should continue to work on:
I am willing to go the extra mile to help my institution succeed.
I believe strongly in the goals and objectives of my institution.
I am proud to tell others I work for my institution.
Priority areas that we should focus on:
It is safe to speak up on sensitive issues without any fear in my institution.
The people I work with usually get along well together.
There are no substantial obstacles at work to doing my job well.
Strategic Initiatives:
JHC is not only on track, but we are intensifying efforts to make every moment count for our staff. Building on the momentum gained, our campus plans to continue and enhance the EES2022 action plans, with a particular focus on Leadership, Culture, and Wellbeing. Three key areas for driving change include celebrating JHC identity and fostering a desired culture, promoting a healthy workplace and supportive staff networks, and building a community of inspiring JHC leaders.

The positive outcomes of the survey are attributed to the commitment and efforts of everyone involved, with special acknowledgment to key champions and ambassadors who have played a crucial role in JHC’s wellbeing and engagement journey!
A special video was showcased during the JurongHealth Campus Ambassador Appreciation Fiesta event, capturing the essence of the JurongHealth Ambassadors and Champions. Visit the Intranet portal under Media Gallery to view the video.

Your thoughts, aspirations, and suggestions are the compass guiding us towards a workplace that not only meets but exceeds all our expectations. Your voice matters, and together, let's shape the future of our campus. Share your vision, and let's embark on this journey of positive transformation, hand in hand.
In conclusion, the OneNUHS Pulse Survey 2023 results reflect a thriving work culture at JurongHealth Campus, fueled by dedication, initiatives, and a shared commitment to continual improvement. We look forward to building on this success and ensuring the ongoing engagement and wellbeing of our staff.