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Healthier Lifestyle on Campus
Guided by the Five Pillars of Health - Eat Wisely, Exercise Regularly, Be Happy, Stop Smoking and Practise Personal Hygiene, the JHC Health Promoting Hospital (HPH) Committee aims to create a healthy workplace and encourage every staff to adopt good lifestyle habits and take charge of their own health and well-being.
Here's what we've been up to since October!

with SSN Ma Jing
Learn basic yoga - focus on gentle stretches and meditations for relaxation.
Build strength and flexibility in your muscles and joint as well!
Click here to register!
Every Monday,
4pm to 5pm at Dance Studio, Level 4, Annexe

on 20 October
Lunch Box
A big hand to all 20 participants and staff who supported this event!
Live cooking demonstration by CEO and Dr Soh Poh Choong, as they made a healthy gado-gado dish with homemade tempeh!
Click here to check event highlights!

De-stress with a calming yoga routine that emphasises on gentle movements and longer holds.
Join this lighthearted session as you tone, strengthen, and align the body, while working on your flexibility.
Click here to register for the next class happening on 21 November!
with Dr Adeline Tan

Click here to register for the next class happening on 21 November!
Understand how to regulate your mind and emotions, and explore how you can learn and apply secular mindfulness and well-being practices to bring joy and clarity to your life. Each session is designed to instil peace, calm and self-care.
Take a peek at what we have been up to here and look out for more activities coming your way!
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