#ICYMI : Patient Information Board (PIB)
638 new Patient Information Boards (PIB) have been successfully revamped and upgraded by multiple stakeholders and project managers in NTFGH since June 2022. These new PIBs not only addressed the security and compliance requirements for a secured PIB solution with centralised management tool, the new software also incorporated Emergency Department's message processing such as admission orders & warnings. Together with the new features like the indication of essential information on the PIBs, these enhancements allowed inpatient care team to view patient's info at a glance and improved the overall service delivery of patient care.
PIB is a one-stop patient information tool that allows users to see near-real-time inpatient information received from NGEMR.
Have you noticed the PIB display tablets in our NTFGH wards and wondered what those icons represent? Here are some icons you might see:
(Patient is restricted from consuming any form of food, drink or medications via mouth.)
(Implement full resuscitation if patient collapses.)
(Maximum management in the ward if patient collapses.)
(Patient is under ECG monitoring.)
(Risk of fall is moderate. Care team to observe extra care of patient to prevent falls.)
(Risk of fall is high. Care team to observe extra care of patient to prevent falls.)
{Patient may be allergic to certain drugs.)
(Medically-verified status where the patient's death is deemed imminent.)
Depending on the patient's needs, the PIB display tablet is also used to display information such as patient's preferred language, their consultant-in-charge, food allergy, diet order from their care team, fluid restrictions, special instructions from PT/OT/ST and any other important information.
Special thanks to NC Subashini Augusamy and NC Kunadevi Kumarasamy for sharing the above information with us!
We have definitely learnt something new today and we hope you did too!