Patient Safety Day 2023
Dr Lim Ghee Hian, Patient Safety Officer and Vice, Chairman Medical Board (Clinical Risk Management and Clinical Quality) extended a warm welcome to participants at Patient Safety Day 2033 and shared key highlights and perspectives in his opening address.

Commitment to Patients: The Patient Safety Committee pledged their commitment to "Keeping Patients at the Heart of Patient Safety." They continue to prioritise patient engagement and experience as they recognise its profound impact on patient safety and overall outcomes.
Excellence in Healthcare: While acknowledging Singapore's international acclaim for healthcare standards, Dr Lim reiterated the need for unwavering pursuit of improvement by exploring innovative approaches to elevate standards and delivering safer and superior care to patients, and better management of healthcare resources.
Patient-Centred Approach: Dr Lim also emphasised the significance of 'active listening', especially towards our patients, to invest time in understanding their needs, and to invite them to co-create solutions and care processes. This approach often leads to solutions closely aligned with patients' requirements and preferences.

Ms Nidhi Swarup, Patient Advocate and Founder/President of Crohn’s & Colitis Society of Singapore (CCSS), one of the keynote speakers, shared more insights through a video presentation. She was interviewed by Dr Darryl Tan, Senior Resident Physician, Psychiatry, the event host for Patient Safety Day 2023. In the video, Ms Nidhi dived deep into the patient journey experience, highlighting the challenges that patients face and underscored the critical role of patient advocacy.
Watch this video on JHC Intranet Portal > Clinical/Patient Care
E-Resources > Information & Resources > Patient Safety
(Intranet connection is required)
Mr. Chew Kim Soon and Ms. Josie Liow, Co-Chairs of the SingHealth Patient Advocacy Network (SPAN), enriched the audience's understanding by sharing their insights into the pivotal roles in ensuring patient advocacy

Ms Liow shared a personal experience about her daughter's health crisis, which was bordering on a critical condition. She highlighted the pivotal role of a dedicated and proactive doctor during this challenging time, which created a deep but valuable impact. It inspired her to take up the mantle of a patient advocacy volunteer when SPAN extended their hand. Josie concluded her sharing with a message to our healthcare professionals: always strive to see things from the patient's perspective, emphasising the importance of empathy and understanding in healthcare.

Mr Chew, drawing from his experience as a caregiver for his late mother, shared his meaningful journey. He encountered the challenge of complex medical terminology during his frequent interactions with healthcare staff, which inspired the creation of the Plain English Glossary. This glossary simplifies 150 commonly used medical terms and jargons into simpler terms, promoting effective communication between healthcare professionals, patients, and caregivers. Mr Chew concluded by reminding healthcare professionals of the significance of using mindful language when communicating with patients, reiterating the need for clarity and empathy in healthcare interactions.

Addressing the same topics discussed by earlier speakers, Ms Cheung Siew Li, Group Chief Patient Officer at the Patient Advocacy Support Office (PASO), revealed that PASO collaborates with and supports various teams within institutions, including Patient Experience, Service Quality, and Service Culture units. Their shared goal is to enhance the patient experience by providing valuable resources, such as creating informative factsheets with inputs from patient advocates, actively seeking feedback from patients, and conducting institutional walkabouts.
Dr Quek Lit Sin, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), shared in his closing message that all staff should actively engage in shaping a patient-centred healthcare system and stressed the significance of making every moment count, by ensuring "Right Care Right". This refers to the delivery of the right care at the right time.
Let us remain steadfast in upholding our core value of being patient-centred and unwavering in our pursuit of excellence in patient care.

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed and played a role in organising the event, including staff from Allied Health, Group Service Transformation (Grp ST), Medical Affairs, Nursing, Patient Advocacy & Support Office (PASO), Patient Safety Workgroup, Regional Health System (RHS), regardless of the size of their contribution. Your collective efforts have made it a resounding success!
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Caregivers Day 2024, set for 24 February 2024, where we look forward to even more inspiring insights and transformative experiences!