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Issue 18

7 August 2023

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Our Socials.

Check out the latest updates from our Instagram / Facebook.

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Enjoy more discounts!

Staff discounts are available at the neighbouring malls! Check out participating retail outlets here.

Our Stories.

Nurses' Merit Award (NMA) 2023

Congratulations to our six JHC nurses for receiving this year’s Nurses’ Merit Award (NMA)!


New Community Partner for Advance Care Planning: SATA CommHealth

On 1 August 2023, JurongHealth Campus signed an Advance Care Planning collaboration agreement with SATA CommHealth to help patients and their next-of-kin plan ahead for their future health and personal care.


Our Very Own Nurses' Day Celebration Since 2018!

Nurses' Day 2023 was a day of celebration and reaffirmation for our nurses, who are the backbone of JurongHealth Campus. Thank you to our nurses for embodying the essence of "Your Resilience, Our Pride"

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Exercise Knight Silver 2023


Have you heard about the incident at Ma Mum, located at Tower B, Level 2 on 27 July? An assailant, armed with an offensive weapon, threatened a patron with bodily harm during the simulation exercise! 


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Look out for the rollout of special happenings all year round! 

Team Collaboration & Managing Work
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Touching Hearts, 
              Touching Lives.

Staff who inspire, with kindness and compassion

In the News.

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髋部或膝盖关节动了手术 如何护理锻炼 

(Post-surgery care and exercise for hip and knee surgery)


Mr Chai Jie Wei, Physiotherapist, Department of Physiotherapy, JCH, explained that most people will be walking with the assistance of a walking aid on the day after surgery, and the progression to wean off walking aids typically occurs within the first month or two. To alleviate fall risks, Ms Raiyini D/O Balu, Occupational Therapist, Department of Occupational Therapy, JCH, shared examples that caregivers can employ to facilitate their loved ones’ engagement in daily living, such as installing grab bars and applying toilet floors with anti-slip treatment. 


• Lianhe Zaobao, zbLOHAS, Page 3 (4 July 2023)

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老年膝关节痛 哪些运动可改善 

(Exercises that can help reduce knee pain among the elderly) 

NTFGH’s Dr Pang Khang Chiang, Associate Consultant, Division of Hip and Knee Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, and Ms Sarah Chen, Senior Physiotherapist, Department of Physiotherapy, shared advice on managing knee pain. They will be speaking at NTFGH’s public health forum on 22 July 2023.


Lianhe Zaobao, zbW, Page 7 (16 July 2023)

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背痛 (Back pain)

Dr Eugene Lau, Associate Consultant, Division of Spine Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, NTFGH, shared insights on back pain in a series of patient education articles, and explained when surgery is necessary. He will be speaking at NTFGH’s public health forum on 22 July 2023.

• Shin Min Daily News, Page 8 (12 July 2023) 

• Shin Min Daily News, Page 8 (13 July 2023) 

• Shin Min Daily News, Page 9 (14 July 2023)

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Jurong Lake District: S$50,000 for innovation projects that reduce energy use, carbon footprint

Mr Ng Kian Swan, Chief Operating Officer, NTFGH and JCH, shared that the partnership with Ngee Ann Polytechnic's Environmental and Water Technology Centre of Innovation will allow the hospitals to optimise energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

• CNA, Singapore Tonight (11 July 2023)

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Pesakit paliatif Melayu/Islam meningkat, ramai pilih meninggal dunia di rumah (Malay/Muslim palliative patients are increasing, many choose to die at home)

Dr Norhisham Bin Main, Head of Division and Senior Consultant, Division of Supportive Care and Palliative Medicine, Department of Medicine, NTFGH, explained why efforts to create awareness and provide knowledge about palliative care should be coordinated across different cultures and religions to build a society that is compassionate and supportive to those who are terminally ill.

• Berita Harian, Page 4 (15 July 2023)

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肌少症 (Sarcopenia) 

Ms Chan Sze Ying, Senior Physiotherapist, Department of Physiotherapy, NTFGH, shared information on sarcopenia in a series of patient education articles, and how older adults may face mobility limitations such as standing up from a chair or couch.

• Shin Min Daily News, Page 8 (15 July 2023) 
• Shin Min Daily News, Page 8 (16 July 2023)

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颈痛 (Neck pain)


Dr Lin Shuxun, Consultant, Division of Spine Surgery, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, NTFGH, shared insights on neck pain in a series of patient education articles, in which he explained the common causes and treatment options for neck pain.


• Shin Min Daily News, Page 8 (28 July 2023)

• Shin Min Daily News, Page 8 (29 July 2023)

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微笑忧郁症 (Smiling Depression)


Dr Daniel Kwek, Senior Consultant, Department of Psychiatry, NTFGH, shared the differences between depression and smiling depression, how to support loved ones suffering from depression, and discussed case studies related to the depressive disorder.


• 963 HAO FM (26 July 2023)

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甲亢甲减 (Hyperthyroidism)


Dr Chan Soo Ling, Consultant, Division of Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, NTFGH, answered questions on whether hyperthyroidism can be cured, how thyroid levels can affect the heart, and if hyperthyroidism can affect female fertility.


• 963 HAO FM (31 July 2023)

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