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Issue 26

5 April 2024


Our Socials.

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Our Stories.

A Warm Welcome to Our New CEO, A/Prof Dan Yock Young!

A/Prof Dan takes over as CEO of NTFGH and JCH from 1 April 2024. Welcome aboard!

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Health On Track (HOT)

Embracing graceful ageing with health talks, engaging booths and fun activities!


Farm Hopping Adventure

Our staff and their loved ones had a positive experience exploring local farms! 

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JHC Hosted Lithuania's Health Minister on an Insightful Facility Tour

We welcomed foreign delegates from Lithuania for an interactive exchange visit!


Dietitian's Day

Commemorating Dietitian's Day with awareness about anti-inflammatory diets! 🐟🥛


Blossoming Serenity

60 staff decorated glass jars with pressed flowers, boosting mental wellness vibes.




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Touching Hearts, 
              Touching Lives.

Staff who inspire, with kindness and compassion

In the News.


Ng Teng Fong General Hospital, Jurong Community Hospital appoint new CEO

Associate Professor Dan Yock Young would take over on 1 April as CEO of NTFGH and JCH from Dr Quek Lit Sin. Under Dr Quek’s leadership, the healthcare team at the integrated NTFGH and JCH not only augmented national efforts against COVID-19, but also pressed on with various community partnerships to strengthen care for the residents. As the new CEO, A/Prof Dan shared that NTFGH and JCH will leverage strong integration within the community to transform and advance healthcare, to meet the needs of both staff and residents.


The Straits Times Online (28 March 2024)

自闭症患者社交掩饰 情况严重或抑郁焦虑 (Severe autistic cases may have anxiety and depression)


Ms Sofie Teoh, Psychologist, NTFGH, warned that in the long-term, autistic masking can lead to more serious mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. Some of the coping strategies that autistic individuals can adopt to help manage social burnout include declining social invitations, and organising their home or workspaces in ways that allow them to better meet their needs.


Lianhe Zaobao, Page 2 (26 March 2024)


Caring for adults with autism and ADHD


Ms Sofie Teoh, Psychologist, NTFGH, discussed the concept of autistic masking. Depending on the preferences of the individual, she suggested ways of supporting them such as offering a listening ear, talking things through or even providing silent companionship. Besides talking, alternative forms of communication such as typing, writing, drawing pictures and gestures can be considered if the individual is not in the mood to speak.


CNA938 Live (28 March 2024)


本地医院提供植物性饮食 (Local hospital provides plant-based diet)

Mr Choo Kok Seng, Executive Chef, Group Food Service, NTFGH, stated that an estimated five per cent of inpatients opt for plant-based options during their hospital stay, and that there are no additional charges incurred. Separately, Ms Grace Michael, Principal Dietitian, NTFGH, explained that the principles of a plant-based diet should include a higher consumption of vegetables, fruits and wholegrains, having low-fat dairy products or dairy alternatives, seafood, nuts, seeds, legumes, limiting the intake of fatty/processed meats, refined grains, sugar-sweetened foods and beverages, as well as reducing one’s salt intake.


Shin Min Daily News, Page 14 (26 March 2024)


植物性饮食等于素食?(Does a plant-based diet equate to a vegetarian diet?)


Ms Grace Michael, Principal Dietitian, NTFGH, shared that plant-based diets have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, strokes and Type 2 diabetes when compared to less healthy dietary patterns. She elaborated that that nutritional adequacy in any dietary pattern is key, and this can be provided by a plant-based diet.


• Shin Min Daily News, Page 8 (27 March 2024)

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心脏病发作前有哪些征兆? (What are the signs before a heart attack?)

Clin Asst Prof Isabel Ahmad, Consultant, Cardiology, NTFGH, recommended for adults to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week, or get at least 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week, or a combination of both, per week, preferably spread out over the week.


Ms Toh Lay Cheng, Cardiology Specialty Nurse, Clinical Nursing Services, NTFGH, advised that having good awareness of the signs of a heart attack enables one to seek early consult and start treatment in a timely manner.


Lianhe Zabao, Page 2 (19 March 2024)

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足底筋膜炎 (Plantar fasciitis) 


Ms Chen Xi, Senior Podiatrist, NTFGH, shared that the causes of plantar fasciitis include a sudden increase in physical activity, prolonged periods of standing or walking, wearing of flat sandals, having severe flat feet or high arches, and obesity. She also provided a brief overview of the treatment and rehabilitation plans for relieving plantar fasciitis.


• Shin Min Daily News, Page 12 (19 March 2024)


这儿痛那儿痛?保持活跃可减缓骨头退化 (Feeling pain everywhere? Staying active can slow bone deterioration)  


Dr Amritpal Singh, Consultant, Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery and Hip & Knee Surgery, NTFGH, shared while there is no cure for these degenerative conditions, treatments include the use of medications, activity modification, physiotherapy, as well as surgical options.


Lianhe Zaobao, Fukan, Page 2 (12 March 2024)


如何避免听力下降?(How can hearing loss be prevented?)


NTFGH’s Senior Audiologist Ms Jasmine Liew and Audiologist Fu Manjia explained why older adults may be frustrated by hearing loss, and shared tips and community resources to help manage the condition.


Shin Min Daily News, Page 16 (12 March 2024)

Shin Min Daily News, Page 8 (13 March 2024)


我们能否通过饮食控管避免患上结直肠癌?(Does diet have a part to play in colorectal cancer prevention?)


Dr Seow Choon Sheong, Head of Division & Senior Consultant, Colorectal Surgery, NTFGH, elaborated on the effectiveness of screening tests, and listed the resources for individuals and families affected by colorectal cancer.


Capital 95.8FM (13 March 2024)


Colorectal cancer prevention


Dr Kishore Rajaguru, Principal Resident Physician, Colorectal Surgery, NTFGH, explained how colon cancer is diagnosed and emphasised the importance of screening. He also provided tips on how to improve gut health.


Oli 96.8FM (12 March 2024)


把握可控风险因素 有效预防结直肠癌 (Control modifiable risk factors to effectively prevent colorectal cancer)


Dr Heidi Chang, Associate Consultant, Colorectal Surgery, NTFGH, stressed the importance of early detection through screening and explained the common symptoms and the treatment options available. Ms Ma Whye Chung, Senior Dietitian, NTFGH, encouraged a dietary pattern that consists of variety, moderation, and enjoyment of meals.


Lianhe Zaobao, Fukan, Page 1 (13 March 2024)


助久坐不动长者动起来 (Reducing sedentary time for older adults)


Mr Lai Weng Kin, Senior Physiotherapist, NTFGH, explained that active commuting can be promoted by encourage older adults to walk or cycle for short trips if they are able to do so. They can also be engaged in meaningful hobbies that require physical movements, such as gardening, dancing or playing with grandchildren.


Shin Min Daily News, Page 8 (10 March 2024)

Shin Min Daily News, Page 8 (11 March 2024)


破解肾脏病迷思 (Busting myths about kidney disease)


Dr Carmen Goh, Consultant, Emergency Department, NTFGH, emphasised the importance of adaptability and cooperation with her team. She also believes that self-discipline is required to effectively balance her responsibilities as a doctor and an athlete.


Lianhe Zaobao, zbLOHAS, Page 3 (5 March 2024)

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